Fire on the Mountain, Covered in Butter
I find myself writing to you tonight from a space that is nostalgic to me, but totally new simultaneously. I'm in an internet cafe in...

How I Accidentally (but Officially) Converted to Japanese Buddhism
There was a lot riding on this trip, my friends. Japan has been my top destination for longer than I care to remember, and we had to...

How I Kicked Trauma's Ass and Got Back on the Bike
If you've visited my blog before, chances are you're familiar with this post: Why Your Parents Don't Want You to Travel, or, Getting Hit...

So, um, what's it like to live in Bali?
"Israel. So what was that... like?" It's one of the first questions people ask me when I tell them that I spent the past 6 years living...

The Hypervigilance Rollercoaster, or, Sleeping 10 Hours a Night
A few days ago, I was sitting in the new teacher orientation at Green School, the environmental school where Tali is now teaching 7th...

How the Hell Did We End Up in Bali?
It's 9:20am right now. I've been awake for nearly four hours already today (you're a bitch, jetlag), and I'm sitting in Seniman Coffee...

Where Not to Build a Mosque in Kenya: Demolition on Safari
It's been long time since I've committed any thoughts to this travel blog. I've been on several trips since I last wrote — to the States,...

The Best Photos from 7 Months on the Road: Part 2
Bathing in the holy waters. Nasik, Maharashtra. During the two weeks that Tal’s parents came to visit us in India, I had lots of time...

The Best Photos from 7 Months on the Road: Part 1
Prayer flags over town. Tabo, Spiti Valley, Himachal Pradesh. It took me a long while to look at the thousands of photographs we took...

Why Your Parents Don't Want You To Travel; or, Getting Hit by A Drunk Driver in Laos
For six months I wrote about how India pushed me to my limits. But in the end, it was the small, gentle nation of Laos that finally broke...